Friday, May 1, 2009

just one of those days

Ever have those mornings where you wake up to this?
and this
and this
and this...........
When is mother's day again????


Ditto Family said...

I HATE those mornings! Makes you just want to crawl in bed...but not really your bed because than you know you will still have to face the mess.

Can't Mother's Day come a little more often!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya loud & clear! I think every mom has had one of those days!

David and Kimber Strasser said...

It happens way to often for me. In fact right now it looks way worse than your pictures and this is how I am dealing w/ it for now, just messing around on the computer.

Thank heaven for little girls said...

LOL! I think most of my mornings look like that! Then I clean and by the time my Alan get's home it looks like that again.

Jonna T. said...

Deena, when did you come over and take pictures of my house? =)

By the way, I love what you recovered those bar stools with. =)

Julia said...

That's why I start every day crying.

EdgyK said...

That's what happened on my Birthday.

Amanda Davis said...

My kids room looks worse then that on any given day. Well until this last weekend when Larry and I took all their toys away. Now it is clean!

family member said...

It's payback time :)
Love, Mom

Dawn said...

Every morning:)