Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election-be done....

You know it's time for this election to be over when your 7 1/2 year old starts to singing
(to the tune of "where is thumbkin") Barack Obama, Barack Obama, John McCain, John McCain, Barrraack Obama, Barrraccckkk Obama, John McCain.
(The number of times a name is mentioned means nothing!)


Dawn said...

That's funny Deena -where did she hear that? School?

Anonymous said...

That is funny. I think we're all ready to have this overwith. I swear I feel like putting a rock through the TV every time a political ad comes on.

The Ditto clan said...

They have been talking about the election at school, and Malia is pretty observant. She reads the signs everywhere and has been asking a lot of questions about the election.

The Boys Club plus a girl! said...

Very CUTE!!! My son took a rock, and said, "Look, it's 'a Rock Obama!'"