Monday, February 23, 2009

Call me crazy

Call me crazy, but i've signed up for a marathon. Okay, you can stop laughing now.

Some friends of mine talked me into it. I spent a couple of weeks deliberating. Going back and forth between "there's NO way" and "maybe it's possible?" I figure the worst that could happen is I have to walk. (Although, as I was looking for a picture for this post I came across an article of a young man that died after crossing the marathon finishing line. But there were some water issues, heat issues...i'll try to just pretend I didn't see that article.) So we've been training for a few weeks. So far i'm up to running 15/16 miles a week. In a few months it will be up to 35 a week. I do my weekly runs on my own, and then we run together on the weekends. I'm slower than molasses, and I feel a bit like the hippo from Madagascar when I run, but I get it done. It's been do-able so far but I have to admit i'm SCARED for what's to come. I still don't understand why people would WANT to run marathons regularly, but I'm looking forward (kind of)to the challenge and just being able to say i've done it! Wish me luck....i'll need it.


Ditto Family said...

Wow I am SUPER impressed and I have total faith in you! When ever you set your mind to something YOU always accomplish it. Is it the Newport Marathon?

family member said...

So is this Deena or Brent????

Love you both,

The Ditto clan said...

It's Deena running it, or attempting too. Yes it's the newport marathon in May.

Jonna T. said...

Right on Deena!! You can do it! I'M super impressed......considering I never run! I have always wanted to do some sort of marathon/benefit/type something, but now darn well I will be walking, and then I will feel stupid! Kudos to you, that's awesome!

Amanda Davis said...

I am impressed with anyone who will run that far with out being chased by a wild animal. Actually even if you were being chased that is impressive. I know that running is not my thing! I would rather dance for 14 hours straight!

Amanda Davis said...

I am impressed with anyone who will run that far with out being chased by a wild animal. Actually even if you were being chased that is impressive. I know that running is not my thing! I would rather dance for 14 hours straight!

Julia said...

That is AWESOME! Not that I'd really relish running a marathon, but I WISH OH WISH that we lived close so we could be running partners. Running with friends is the ONLY thing I've found that can tame my brownie habit. I know you'll be able to do it. Running 16 miles a week is amazing in and of itself!

Annie Ditto said...

Reading your post almost made me want to run a marathon! (almost!) Way to go!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

Kari said...

Hey~ Doug is going to do it again. He did it last year. He finished it, but just as they were taking the finish line down. He walked the 2nd half, so I'm sure you can do it. There were ladies that walked the WHOLE thing and finished before he did, so there is hope! Good Luck, we'll cheer for you!

Ditto Family said...

Great ambition Deena! How is your knee. Good luck!


Stephen Robbins said...

You're crazy.

But I still love you.