Thursday, December 18, 2008

I just have to clarify that the lady in the story below (from church) was on no way
ungrateful for my "attempt" to help. I just didn't want it to sound that way. It's more a matter of feeling like my efforts have been pointless....
Today was day 4 of school closures here. I'm guessing tommorrow will be day 5. The kids are driving me crazy...a nice beach in mexico sounds nice right now, eh??


EdgyK said...

Actually I was so impressed you took her baby and then I wondered why she went with you instead of going back to help handle the rest of the kids who quickly fell to pieces.

Jonna T. said...

Funny, I didn't think of it that way either, so your point did go across well. I think I've just been steaming about my own attempts to help people. You certaintly did what was right. She was just thinking about it differently.