Friday, September 7, 2007

Things I am learning as a mother......

- When referring to children,The old saying, "Once you have three, it's all the same" is not true!

-There is no such thing as an easy baby.

-When you have four kids, it's not worth it to try to leave the house...just stay home.

-When you do decide to leave the house just plan on at least three trips to a public restroom.

-DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT try to take three kids to wal-mart on a Friday afternoon. Thinking it would be easier than taking 4 on a saturday afternoon. It's all the same.

-The four loads of laundry laying on my bed will not fold themselves....dang!

-The pile of toys on the stairs...waiting to be taken up the stairs....will not be picked up until I do it.

-Leave all thoughts of becoming a "master gardener" for when you are retired.

Next week, after Brent returns from his fun hike with his brothers (and no kids) after I have recovered from being a single mom for a few days. I will try to write something more positive about motherhood, as I know there many things....just give me a few days.........


Ditto Family said...

Love this post!!! I think I have experienced all of these lesson you have learned. Just thinking about Walmart makes me tired--too much walking EVERYWHERE.

Order pizza and stay home and watch a movie tonight! Tomorrow you should get a babysitter for a couple of hours so you can have some "DENNA TIME."

Julia said...

The thought that keeps running through my head today is "Logan owes me BIG TIME." When the boys get home, lets just each shut ourselves up into a soundproof chamber with a movie and bowl of ice cream...for an entire day. I enjoyed reading the things you're learning as a mother--and I second the motion!

family member said...

at least he's not gone every week for the next four months hang in there!

Dawn said...

"ditto" to everything you said. :) I think the lesson I still need to learn is that I need to stop making a list of all the things I'm going to do after the kids go to bed, because by then it doesn't matter - I'm too tired and I think, "I'll just do it tomorrow."

Anonymous said...

You just said all the things that ought to be said at a baby shower, but nobody dares. Well said, Deena. Well said.

Stephen Robbins said...

I feel your pain. Not really, but I baby sat kaysha's kids for like an hour once and wanted to kill myself. I can't imagine full time responsibility.

So Many M's said...

Oh my gosh, this sounds exactly like us, your are so right 4 is much harder than 3. I don' t go shopping by unless Randy is home so I can go by myself, unless it is an emergency then I decide how urgent it really is. It was great to hear I'm not alone.