Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What I don't like about blogging...

Some people want to be movie stars, or pro-football players. I've always wanted to be funny. Is that too much to ask? I just wanted people to say, "oh yeah Deena, she's so funny."
But as i've discovered the world of blogging, i've also discovered how unfunny I really am. I have come across some of the most clever, funny people. I've feel like i've become some sort of stalker, reading these blogs of people I don't even know. But their posts make me laugh, so I keep going back. It's really hard to compete with! I think my husband said it best, as I was preparing for a church talk and looking for a joke to start out with, he said, "Honey, not everyone is funny." So as you read my blog, just don't expect anything funny.


Anth said...

I think you're funny.

P.S. Love the new template.

Julia said...

I don't like to hang out with anyone that's not funny, and you're one of my favorite people. So there.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Deena, you make me laugh always. And I'm glad to hear you read other blogs of people you don't really know. I do too...

Jonna T. said...

Well, I know we are family, and honestly, we know very little about each other. However, just by running across this today, and reading what you have so far, I would have to say you are very funny. Maybe it's in our blood? I have days that I would like to think I'm funny....and then there are the days, that only I am laughing!

EdgyK said...

Deena, Deena, Deena. You are funny. And you get my humor so if you're not funny than I'm not funny and I refuse to believe that. I really really like reading your blog.