Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's day!

First off, let me apologize for the randomness of the post. It's a little bit of everything. Second...Happy Valentine's Day! I love valentines day. The kids were up early this morning excited for their class parties, I made them a valentines breakfast and their valentines day presents were these jelly beans. They all get to share. :) (In the cute jars my sis. gave me, thanks Kelly!)

We are anti-spongebob and barbie valentines around here. :) Every year I say that I will never make homemade valentines again, but every year we do it again. This year they all wanted something different. But with the help of Dad, we were able to make them in a night. Jacob's is a cell phone, he taped a piece of gum on the back for an antennae, Cole's is a playing card guy holding a sucker and Malia made butterfly's. And No, Cole is not entirely naked, he just refuses to wear pajamas.

I had to snap a picture of Claire helping Grannie cook. Grannie is so patient as Claire always insists on helping and talks non-stop the whole time. Claire had no idea her face was covered in flour, but proceeded to give us her diva pose.

Saturday we went to look at the house progress. They are starting to frame! We walked around the property and relished the fact that before too long it will be ours!!

Below is a picture of the colors we are considering. Hopefully these folks don't mind me posting their house on the internet.


Ditto Family said...

Such creative Valentines! I bet you just get so excited when you go walk your soon-to-be property!

Julia said...

I'm sure those people WANTED you to post their house on the internet--they were just too shy to ask. Love the house colors. And YOUR valentines blew MY valentines out of the water. Thanks for making me look bad.