Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hearing test

Cole had his hearing test today and luckily they found that he had fluid behind his ears. His hearing loss is significant enough that it could affect him in school. (He compared it to plugging your ears constantly, or to being underwater) I had a hunch this was the problem, but you know how you always have those "what if's" pop up in your mind. So the next step is to take him to the doctor, who will probably prescribe antibiotics, if that doesn't work, he may need tubes in his ears. So...i'm relieved. It's fixable!


David and Kimber Strasser said...

Glad to hear it is fixable. Good luck with the doctors. That is crazy that before the doctors said it looked good.

family member said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that it is not a permanent issue. I wonder if it built up slowly so he didn't notice a real change.
Love you all,

Scott said...

I am glad it's nothing major. I was thinking about him yesterday.


Deyce said...

Great news! Hope it clears up soon. I can imagine how hard it'd be to keep up in school when you can't hear well.

Ditto Family said...

Oh good.

Anonymous said...

Zack has had tubes twice and it helped him TONS. Always good to have a solution for the problem!